You Will Learn How To Ignite Your Winning CEO Mindset & Build Your Personalised Roadmap For 2023 & Beyond.

A 2-Part Masterclass Series Available Now.

Over 2 hours Of Inspiration.

You Will Learn How To Ignite Your Winning CEO Mindset & Build Your Personalised Roadmap For 2022 & Beyond.

A 2-Part Masterclass Series Available Now.

Over 2 hours Of Inspiration.
⚡Calling all Female Business Owners ⚡

I’m Laura Brunton, Founder of Ignite Totally You, a global coaching movement for ambitious and heart-led CEOs who are ready to stand out as leaders within their industries, rip up the old white male business rulebook and create a legacy for the generations to come.

I am on a mission to ignite millions of women to scale their businesses in a soulful, sexy and sustainable way, that won't lead to sacrifice and burnout.

This is my invitation to the women who know they are meant for more and are ready to stop playing small. It is for the women who are so done with industry expectations and egos, who crave expansion and excitement, and want to ignite their inner warrior. It's time to join your sisters and step forward as a force of change – will you answer the call? 
In this high energy and value packed 
2-Part series You will: 
Part 1 - Reflection & Expansion
  • Identify, explore, and embrace essential leadership mindset foundations.
  • The Ignited Leader - I will help you take that quantum leap to the CEO mindset you desire.  
  • Identify where you are right now ➡️ and where you want to be.
  • ​Explore vision & legacy
  • ​​Create a beautiful space for you to reflect and re-prioritise quickly: you are a kickass action-taker after all!. 
  • Overnight growth work Tool
Part 2 - Activation & Commitment
  • ​Gain laser-sharp clarity on your bigger vision so that you can scale your business from an empowered place of passion and purpose, as opposed to panic and procrastination.
  • ​Realise that what got you where you are today is not necessarily what you need to get to where you are going. 
  • ​Explore your money mindset and build a roadmap to the kind of wealth you secretly desire, supporting future generations to come.
  • Tap into the collective feminine power and creativity to accelerate your success, with a kick-ass community of ambitious women alongside you cheering you on my queen.
At The End Of The Masterclass Series You Will:  
⚡Have supercharged your winning CEO mindset

⚡Be a Queen who truly trusts themselves & GO ALL IN on their vision

⚡Have amplified your PURPOSE and PASSION

⚡Have reconnected with your AUTHENTIC self in order to achieve your wildest dreams and generate wonderful wealth.

⚡​Have a roadmap to apply in your 2022 (and beyond) strategy and decisions
This inspirational experience is for the ambitious woman who will step fully into her ignited Power 

 YES! I want to make my business a vehicle for positive change in the world.

YES! I'm done playing it safe and staying small 

YES! I'm ready to go all out and all in

YES! Laura is my kick ass coach & mentor to support me on my journey

Like me, You Might Have Made It Through The First Years Of Your Business On Sheer Grit, Will And Hustle alone... 

...Let me show you a different way where you can be free, in flow and financially fulfilled.

I am a bloody brilliant coach if I say so myself!  However, in my 15 years+ in leadership positions and gaining multiple qualifications, didn't teach me how to cultivate and curate my own bullet-proof CEO mindset to run my own business.  

I finally felt like I was living my purpose and felt so aligned with my dream clients. But, I found myself dialling up my masculine energy, getting sucked into hustle mode, trying to do everything in my business myself. I ended up feeling overwhelmed and not sure on what the next steps should be.

That was, until I realised there was another way! 
I have learned from the best business and mindset coaches and leaders out there and I have invested serious amounts of my own money to learn the winning strategies to create my own legacy.  

I allow myself to receive and to be supported, to shape my own path and to embrace all parts of myself to truly shine and thrive as a woman, business leader and mama. 

My dream is for you to live, love and lead as Totally You!
This Masterclass Is An Absolute Must Have For... 
  • Coaches, Founders, Directors & CEOs looking to supercharge their winning CEO mindset
  • Queens who are ready to truly trust themselves & GO ALL IN on their vision
  • Women ready to amplify their PURPOSE and PASSION
  • ​Heart-centred business owners wanting to reconnect with their AUTHENTIC self in order to achieve their wildest dreams and generate wonderful wealth.
  • ​High-achievers looking for a roadmap to apply in their 2022 (and beyond) strategy and decisions
If you're ready to take action today and start making positive changes in your business then this Masterclass is for you!

When I work one-to-one with my clients the investment is 4-5 figures for high-touch and intimate access to my superpowers in coaching, consultancy and entrepreneurship.  

I am called to make you a very special offer my love! 

I want to help you accelerate your business success and have your best ever year yet.

"Everyone needs a Laura in their lives! Laura is one of a kind..."

"You'll never have a better cheerleader or anyone who has your back as much as Laura. 

Laura is my business coach and she challenges you to reach for the higher goals and then helps you achieve them!

I come out of our sessions with so many ideas; I implement them and see results. You will feel the energy coming from her, inspiring you to be Totally You!

With Laura in your corner, this is where the magic happens." 

Sanna Jordannson
Business Owner: HR Director, High Performance Coach & Business Consultant
Join The Masterclass 
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
DONT MISS OUT! Take advantage of this outrageous offer today for only £33 and get all of this below...
  2 X 60 Minutes High-Impact Recorded Training  (Value £817)
  Printable Workbook and Growthwork Challenges  (Value £197)
  2 X Purpose & Legacy Visualisations  (Value £97)
Total Value: £1,111
Today Just £33
If you are ready to answer the call, I’d love to personally invite you to join me To ignite your leader within...
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
A Reminder Of Everything You're Going To Get...
  • 2 X 60 Minutes High-impact Recorded Training (Value £817)
  • Printable Workbook and Growth Work Challenges (Value £197)
  • 2 X Purpose & Legacy Visualisations (Value £97)
Total Value: £1,111
Today Just £33
Items Total
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